Find Your Shawnee County Ancestors

Use this surname index as a finding aid to quickly identify available information on your family member.   The index, which currently includes the names of more than 150,000 names, is a compilation of data from many sources.  Each entry identifies an individual by name, a date and description of the event represented by the date, as well as the name of a resource where more detail may be found.   This index is a work in progress, and will be updated as more data sources become available to us.  
If you find an item of interest, our volunteers are available to look it up and make a copy, for a fee of $5.00 per item.   See our Research page for a request form and detail.
Sources included in the Shawnee County Surname Index:
Andreas, A.T., History of the State of Kansas, 1883  (book):  Index of biographical sketches in the Shawnee County portion of the book.
Builders of Topeka, 1934  (book):  Index of biographical sketches included in the book.
Builders of Topeka, 1956 (book):  Index of biographical sketches included in the book.
King, History of Shawnee County, Kansas, 1905 (book):  Index of biographical sketches.
Radges City Directory, Deaths 1883-1893  (book)
Shawnee County Cemeteries  (databases):  Auburn, Bauer, Bethel, Boy's Industrial School, Bohemian/Moravian, Curtis, DeGraff Family, Dover, Elevation, Emmanuel, Foster, Half Day, Lynn Creek, Mt. Auburn, Mt. Calvary, Mission Center, Mission Valley, Olive Branch, Pleasant Hill, Prairie Home, Richland, Ritchie, Rochester, Rossville, Security Benefit, Shawnee Center, Silver Lake, Simmerwell, St. Bartholomew's, Topeka Cemetery, Topeka Jewish, Uniontown, Vawter, Walnut Hill, Westlawn, Yocum, Zion
Shawnee County Census - 1885  (database):  Listing of Shawnee County names in the 1885 Kansas Census
Shawnee County Deaths, 1894-1911 (database):  Deaths recorded by the Shawnee County Clerk, prior to mandatory reporting of all deaths to the Sate of Kansas.
Shawnee County Marriages, Feb 1856 - Dec 1890 (printed indexes)   Note: Marriage records are available on microfilm at the Kansas Historical Society. Index entry will provide name of spouse, date of marriage, and Frame number for the marriage certificate.
Shawnee County Naturalizations,1865-1930  (database, printed indexes, original records):  Includes Declarations of Intention, Applications, and Naturalizations.
Shawnee County Obits (& newspaper items)  (database):  Index is not complete.  NOTE:  It was not always possible to discern the nature of the newspaper item from the index database;  consequently, some items labeled as deaths in the index may actually be articles noting other events. Researchers should consult the original newspaper item for certainty of the event rather than relying on the index as a date of death.  Dates in the index reflect publication dates, rather than actual dates of events.
Shawnee County Probate proceedings, 1855-1925  (database, printed indexes, original records):  Includes wills, estate proceedings, guardianships, hearings for admissions to the county's juvenile correction facility.
Who's Who in Topeka, 1905  (book):  Index of biographical sketches. 
World War I Honor Roll  (book):  Soldiers from Shawnee County who died in service during World War I.